
Carpet Cleaning

For Tricana, each carpet is a unique work of art, passionately woven to be used from generation to generation.

In order to protect and add value to your investment, Tricana recomends a periodic maintenance that should not exceed 6 months.


Maintenance and cleaning of carpets and rugs

The beauty and quality of your carpets can be maintained for decades if you carry out a suitable maintenance.
Every carpet, persian, oriental, Arraiolos, Beiriz or any other kind, needs periodic maintenance. Although we are talking about an extremely resistant product it still can be damaged as a consequence for its normal usage through the years.
By trusting their carpets to Tricana, our clients rest assured that they will be manually washed by specialized technicians that apply the most suitable methods for each kind of piece, preserving the original colors and the fibre structure to the maximum.


Maintenance and Conservation Tips

For the daily cleaning of a carpet or rug, you should use only a vacuum and a soft brush, always moving in favor of the pile. Do not use circular movements.

The carpet must rotate 180º every 6 months, as usually one of the sides suffers more wear than the other.

Do not leave your carpet exposed to the sun. The excess of sunlight changes the colors and damages the structure of the carpet.

Do place vases with plants on top of carpets. The humidity destroys the structure of the carpets.

The carpet should be removed from its usual place every six months. It should be properly brushed in favour of the pile. Afterwards it is necessary to vacuum the residues and place it on a dry and ventilated spot, with the backside up. This operation eliminates the fungus that may be between the knoted structure but most of all the humidity that deteriorates wool and silk.

Your carpets should be washed anually at Tricana.
While washing your carpets, Tricana conducts an evaluation and checks the finishings and other components. Washing is essential as the dust that builds up on the base of the knot, creates friction when walked on, which works as an abrasive and eventualy cuts the fibres.